Australia Awards Supports Training of Trainers Program on Business Process Management

The Deputy Head of Mission of the Australian Embassy in the Philippines, Mr. Richard Sisson, and Atty. Janet Abuel, Undersecretary of Budget and Management, recently opened the Australia Awards Short Course on the Training of Trainers for Process Review and Re-engineering of Government Processes. The course brought together thirty public officials from key Philippine Government agencies, including the Department of Budget and Management, the Department of the Interior and Local Government, the Department of Finance, the Commission on Audit, the Anti-Red Tape Act, and two state universities (Bicol University and Western Visayas State University).

The course aims to build capacity among government officials in Business Process Management (BPM) and equip them to become trainers in their agencies. This course is being supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Awards Alumni and Engagement Program – Philippines.

“As a valued partner and friend to the Philippines, we pride ourselves in providing the public sector with world-class competency and capacity building in fields relevant to our partner organisations. Australia is regarded as a country with a wealth of experience in Business Process Management, and we welcome the opportunity to provide further assistance to the Philippines in this area.” said Mr Sisson.

One of the course’s goals is to promote the use of BPM as a common foundation to improve government systems and processes with a view towards improving service efficiency and accessibility.

Speaking on behalf of the Philippine Government, Undersecretary Abuel, who is also an Australia Awards alumna, underscored the relevance of the course in the Government’s public financial management reforms. “This course will take us to the next stage in enriching the competencies of our public financial management (PFM) practitioners, enabling them to apply business process management tools and techniques to better understand, develop, and strengthen our PFM processes.”

The program was opened by Professor Michael Rosemann, a world-renowned expert in BPM and the Director of the Centre for Future Enterprise at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). QUT, in association with Devconsult, is delivering this course. It is being led by BPM expert and Australia Awards alumnus, Gerald Divinagracia, and QUT’s Director for International Projects, Nelson Salangsang.

The online learning sessions are complemented by case studies and process reviews in BPM. The participants will also learn critical competencies for training such as developing session plans and facilitating practical activities.