Australia Awards Philippines

Applicants for Targeted Category

Under the program’s targeted category, the award is given to partner organisations of the Australia Awards and Alumni Engagement Program – Philippines (AAAEP-P). This means the partner organisation determines the priority field of study area and REAP focus area of its scholar, which is based on the awardee’s career development and its organisation’s strategic direction respectively. The partner agency also assigns a mentor who will assist the scholar in developing and implementing his or her REAP.

While a partner organisation is given a certain number of slots per scholarship intake, the agency may nominate more candidates than the allocated slots. Also, the agency is not required to rank the nominated candidates.

Note: The agency is expected to designate the HR person and M&E person who will be the focal contact for the Australia Awards Scholarships.

Benefits and Entitlements

Roundtrip airfare img

Roundtrip airfare

Roundtrip airfare img

Roundtrip airfare

Full tuition fees img

Full tuition fees

Full tuition fees img

Full tuition fees

Contribution to living expenses img

Contribution to living expenses

Contribution to living expenses img

Contribution to living expenses

Introductory academic program img

Introductory academic program

Introductory academic program img

Introductory academic program

Supplementary academic support img

Supplementary academic support

Supplementary academic support img

Supplementary academic support

Overseas student health coverage img

Overseas student health coverage

Overseas student health coverage img

Overseas student health coverage

Fieldwork allowance img

Fieldwork allowance

*for research students

Fieldwork allowance img

Fieldwork allowance

*for research students

One-off establishment allowance on arrival img

One-off establishment allowance on arrival

One-off establishment allowance on arrival img

One-off establishment allowance on arrival

Pastoral Care img

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care img

Pastoral Care

Disability Support img

Disability Support

Disability Support img

Disability Support

English proficiency review and exam img

English proficiency review and exam

English proficiency review and exam img

English proficiency review and exam

Who Can Apply?


be a citizen of the Philippines


be holder of a bachelor's degree


be residing in the Philippines for at least 12 months


be in a leadership role where the enhanced technical or managerial skills to be gained via the recommended AAAEP-P study program can be used to effectively contribute to the agreed change agenda of the organisation


be a regular employee of a AAAEP-P partner organisation


preferably SG-18 and above


preferably at least five (5) year work experience with public sector


have passed the interview process of the agency's scholarship committee


have passed the medical screening of partner organisation


have achieved a satisfactory English Proficiency Result: 6.5 overall band in IELTS with no individual band scores lower than 6.0; or above 92 TOEFL IBT results; or 58 overall band in PTE with no individual band scores lower than 54


not be married, or engaged to, or a de facto of, an Australian/New Zealand citizen


not have pending permanent residency application in Australia, New Zealand and other countries


not have pending obligations from Australia Awards or another scholarship program


not currently holding another scholarship and that would result in overlapping contracts as well as benefits


no pending application to other scholarship programs locally or internationally


no pending administrative, criminal or civil case


be able to take up the scholarship place in the academic year for which the award is offered


should be willing to sign a scholarship contract with Australia Awards


should be willing to sign a service contract with the nominating agency


should be willing to sign an agreement to fully implement the REAP

Selection Process

Partner agency’s internal process


Agency will disseminate a call for nomination to qualified applicants from the agreed target work units;


Agency will brief potential applicants on the eligibility requirement and the development of the REAP;


Applicant will pass and be endorsed by the agency's scholarship committee through their own screening process which includes interviews and presentation of REAPs.

Role of the Director of the Target Units


Nominate potential applicants from their respective units

Role of the Agency’s Human Resource (HR)


Coordinate with AAAEP-P on selection, mobilisation and reintegration of the agency’s scholars


Coordinate with the scholars’ mentors / supervisors on the development and implementation of the scholars’ REAPs

Re-entry Action Plan (REAP)

The AAAEP-P has established a mechanism, through the Re-entry Action Planning, to ensure that the learning gained from the training and other HR support activities of the candidates are significantly applied to their respective organisations. It is a proactive process that facilitates discussions and agreements between the candidates and mentors/supervisors on what needs to be learned and how they will be applied at work.

The Re-Entry Action Planning promotes commitment building from the candidates and the supervisors/ mentors to address the identified development concern of their organisations.

Finalised and approved Re-Entry Action Plan will need to be submitted to AAAEP-P before candidates leave for Australia. Approval shall come from the Organisation through their respective supervisors.

REAPs must be within the function of the candidate.

Roles and Responsibilities of Mentors/Supervisors

Partner agency’s internal process


Assist the awardee in the development and implementation of the REAP


Make her/himself available for the mentoring activities for the duration of the studies of the awardee in Australia, providing pieces of advice on matters affecting the condition of the awardee in Australia


Provide possible support in the implementation of the REAP through human resource, authority, time and budget


Provide information to AAAEP-P with regard to the progress of the REAP implementation of the awardee

Attend activities related to Australia Awards and REAP implementation, such as:


Mentoring Workshops: The workshop provides concepts and practices of AAAEP-P mentoring mechanisms which includes sessions on re-entry action planning, agreement on the objectives of the REAP with the awardees, and how the REAP implementation will be monitored.


Monitoring and Evaluation: The Program conducts an M&E workshop for the partner organisations to guide them with knowledge and skills in gathering data relevant to reporting on the progress of the REAP implementation.


REAP Updating Workshop: This is conducted after the awardees have completed their programs and returned from Australia. The conference serves as a debriefing session for the awardees and at the same time the venue to finalise and sign off the REAP with their supervisors.

Promotions Kit

Dear HR Partner,

We are pleased to provide you with the Australia Awards Promotions Kit for Targeted Category, which you can use to promote the Australia Awards 2025 intake in your organisation.

What is included in the kit?

1. Digital poster for each organisation

  • You can send the poster via email. We’ve developed a sample emailer, which you can tweak for your organisation.
  • You can upload in your website, organisation’s Facebook Group, or other communication channels for your employees. We’ve developed a draft text that you can use to accompany the poster. Please feel free to edit it accordingly.

2. Announcement on opening of applications

  • You may use the text in your email to prospective applicants.
  • You can use it as spiel for community or organisation radio or digital shows

3. REAP Video featuring Engr Neilsen Campit of DPWH

  • You may use this in your briefings or meeting with prospective applicants

4. Digital cards with quotes from Australia Awards alumni in the targeted category

5. Targeted Category Brochure

Thank you for help in sharing the information about this life-changing scholarship opportunity.


Australia Awards Philippines Secretariat